60 Second to Fade 0.1.5 out

Hey! Its been two busy weeks for sure. Like I said I'm improving 60STF. Here are few changes I made with the help of the amazing feedback. Also it feels good working while knowing  that now I don't have time limit (this game was made for the VimJam) But first here are two screenshots of the 0.1.0 and 0.1.5.

version 0.1.0

version 0.1.5

Okay now let's see some of the changes, not all changes are here, otherwise the list would be way longer.

----- CHANGELOG 0.1.0 to 0.1.5 -----

- Added quality settings.
- Added music volume settings.
- Added minimap
- Added 2D lights and different render type
- Added one more enemy - the Ghoul.
- Reworked scene sprites
- Added animations for the player and also the enemies
        ·Those animations are: idle, attack, get hit, die.
- Added attack speed stat for both players and enemies
- Added pickable agility sword in order to upgrade your attack speed
- Improved UI.
- Added health bar to the UI.
- Added enemy UI to show stats.
- Added turtle potion, wich gives 100% more armour for 5 sec.
- Added berserk, wich gives 50% more attack speed for 5 sec.

- Fixed a lot of bugs.


- I'm starting making the lore (villain, objectives, story of the characters)
- Better intro so you feel empathy for the characters.
- Playable tutorial to explain the stats, also an available window during gameplay to show a little tutorial for the stats.
- Bigger map so you can revisit zones (x zone is too dangerous for the player, but the player comeback later when its stronger for a good reward in that zone.
- Teleport stones.
- Map
- Usable and swapable item (during shop time) to use once per run (this could an usable item to stop time for X sec, a passive item to gain more gold that run, an usable item to block X amount of hits that run)
- I'm also thinking about making a HUB where you can go (and where the player starts) at the end of the round, there you can shop, teleport and more)
- Probably I will start thinking about some kind of skill tree, I don't want this game to have a lot of mechanics since I think the game doesn't need it and could be fun with just a few mechanics and a lot of maps, progression and story but I think some kind of skill tree with passives to make a build (maybe some of you will aim for attack speed, maybe others for damage, or better potions etc)

----- HELP ME -----

It would be amazing if you could send me a comment telling me what you like, what you dislike so I can make the game better.

----- THANKS -----

Thanks to all the amazing people who talked to me on discord to help me improve the game!


60 Second to Fade 0.1.5 Web Play in browser
Oct 10, 2020
60 Second to Fade 0.1.5 Windows 40 MB
Oct 10, 2020
60 Second to Fade 0.1.5 Mac 40 MB
Oct 10, 2020
60 Second to Fade 0.1.5 Linux 42 MB
Oct 10, 2020

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